
Robert's Death

The following message was sent to The Samantha Reid Foundation website. The message was in Spanish. We are posting it here in both Spanish and English because it is an important message. NOTE: Our GHB Fact Sheet and GHB Addiction and Withdrawal Fact Sheet are available in Spanish (plus English and French) on this site.

Go to English version

From: adriana
Subject: Suicidio por GHB

Robert estaba deprimido,varias veces coment con sus amigos la idea de matarse. La madre (yo) se enter de todo demasiado tarde, sola-mente supo por otros jvenes de la misma edad de Robert (21 a os de edad) que a travs de Internet, y desde Argentina, compr GHB.

No se sabe quin le hab a informado de la droga, adems Robert no le a ni entenda el idioma ingl s. Deprimido por problemas serios, de amor, Robert intenta suicidarse y lo logra, dejando a su ex novia, madre, abuela y amigos destrozados.

El juez al encontrar la carta de despedida y averiguando sobre "suicidio" le hizo la ciruja de autopsia y determin que s era suicidio, que era una muerte "violenta", pero NUNCA descubrieron en su cuerpo con qu se haba matado: solo dijeron los m dicos forenses que muri por problema respiratorio agudo que logr detenerle el corazn, tambi n la autopsia de los rganos determin que haba adenoma de l pidos en el corazn y en el h gado.

Robert amaba mucho para querer morir, de hecho lleg a comentar a su madre d as antes de su muerte que haba descubierto la forma de "parecer muerto" , sin pulso card aco pero estando an vivo.

LAMENTO (yo la madre,) que Robert no haya tenido la colaboraci n de sus amigos para advertir a la familia de la grave depresin de Robert.
Para advertir que Robert PIDIO AYUDA cont ndoles acerca del suicidio y no haber callado sto, de no haberlo silenciado Robert estar a vivo.

Despus que Robert falleci todava los amigos cre an que GHB es algo "natural", inofensivo, que solo "duerme".

No encuentro consuelo...yo perd a alguien nico como Robert, a mi nico hijo, a mi primer hijo y al ltimo, UNICO,no queda ms motivo para m para seguir en la vida ms que esperar mi propia muerte definitivamente.
Me pregunto CUANDO se descubri GHB, POR QUE se la difunde como droga, COMO pases como Holanda la venden como inofensiva
a trav s de internet: POR QUE NO SE PENALIZA LA VENTA DE MUERTE que generan y permiten los gobiernos que negocian con eso??

Jovenes: PIDAN AYUDA, y NO CREAN TODO LO QUE SE PUBLICA,si las drogas MAGICAS solucionaran los problemas todos los adultos viviramos mejor tomandolas y por algo no lo hacemos. Si pudieran ver lo que pasa cuando ustedes mueren NO INTENTARIAN cosas novedosas!!!!!!

PIDAN AYUDA, CONSEJO, GRITENLO si es necesario: porque siempre alguien que los amalos va a ayudar!!!!!!!!!


Robert was depressed; he talked about killing himself many times among his friends. His mother (Me) found out about it too late, and only through other young people of the same age as Robert (21 years old age), she learned that he had used the Internet to buy GHB, from Argentina.

No one knows who told him about the drug, and furthermore Robert did not read and did not understand the English language. Depressed about serious problems, of the heart (love), Robert tries to commit suicide and he succeeds, leaving his ex-girlfriend, his mother, his grandmother, and friends in ruins.

The judge, once the "goodbye note" was found, and investigating about "suicide", orders an autopsy, and determines that indeed it was a suicide, that it was a violent death, but NEVER finds out in his body what was it that he used to kill himself: The Medical Examiner said that he died of breathing problems so acute that it caused his heart to stop, the autopsy also revealed that there was severe damage to the "lipids" in the heart and in the liver.

Robert loved too much to want to die, and in fact he made the comment to his mother, days before his death, that he had found a way to "look dead" without pulse or heart beat but still being alive.

I AM SO SORRY (Me, the mother) that Robert did not have his friend's help to warn his family of his great depression. To warn that Robert ASKED FOR HELP by telling them about suicide and to not have said anything, for if they would not have kept it to themselves Robert would still be alive.

Even after Robert died, his friends still think that GHB is something "Natural", not dangerous, and that it only causes one "to sleep."

I cannot be consoled .... I lost someone unique like Robert, my only son, my first and last child, ONLY CHILD, and I have nothing else to live for but to wait my own definite death.

I asked myself WHEN was GHB discovered?, WHY is it promote as a drug? HOW is it that countries such as Holland (Netherlands) sell it as non-dangerous via the Internet? WHY ISN'T THE DEATH IT GENERATES PUNISHED and why do governments allow the free selling/buying of it???

Young people: ASK FOR HELP, and DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT IS PUBLISHED, if the MAGIC drugs could solve the problems all of the adults would be living better taking them and there is a reason why we don't! If you could only see what happens when you die you WOULDN'T BE TRYING new things!!!!!!!!!

ASK FOR HELP, ASK FOR ADVISE, SHOUT IT OUT if necessary: because there's always somebody who loves you that will help you!!!!!!!