Team Arkansas
Joseph A. Banken, Ph.D.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
4301 W. Markham St. Slot 518, Little Rock, AR 72205-7199
Syed F. Ali, Ph.D.
NCTR/FDA HFT-132, 3900 NCTR Road Jefferson, AR 72079
GHB and so called “Club and Recreational Drugs”
A unique collaboration has assumed the difficult task of educating Arkansas youth/parents/educators about the dangers of using GHB and the other so called “club and recreational drugs”. Members include a clinical psychologist from The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Partners in Health Sciences Program (Teachers Teaching Teachers), neurochemist from The National Center for Toxicological Research, social worker from Arkansans for Drug Free Youth, juvenile intake officer with the state Volunteer Probation Officer agency, and concerned parents. Presentations about the dangers of using these drugs using the latest technology such as interactive video, streaming video, and VHS clips has generated considerable interest among media, universities, schools, educators (across many disciplines), law enforcement, parents, and youth across the State of Arkansas and beyond. Our goal is to find a niche to continue this community outreach effort. To that end, a local television station has expressed interest in pursuing a series of vignettes about the dangers of these drugs under the direction of Dr. Joseph Banken. We look forward to growing our involvement with Project GHB and welcome any guidance from the more seasoned teams. Please contact us if we can be of help to you.